
Matt, Aaron, Becky, Cate

I am Matt Busche. I live in Lakewood, Colorado with my wonderful wife Tammy and three fine children Aaron, Becky and Cate. I’m an electrical engineer by education, but worked as a software developer for about 20 years. I recently took a promotion to full time care giver for my kids, but plan to return to the grind once they are older. I coach basketball, sing in two different church choirs, tutor mathematics and physics at a local high school, and spend what other time I can find pursuing home improvement projects and several pet software projects. I can be reached at
Matt's email address

2 Responses to About

  1. Bo says:

    This is really great…however, my family and I usually only play with five dice. I’m wondering if there is a way to generate a table for such a game. I will check this out further and see if I can gather the data myself to plug it into a spreadsheet…otherwise, any assistance would be appreciated!

    • matt says:

      You left this comment on my about page, so I’m not sure whether your commenting on my optimal farkle strategy, or max expected score farkle strategy. Todd Neller and I found many different Farkle game variants during our research, but never stumbled upon a version played with 5 dice. Surely it wouldn’t be too hard to modify my software to handle a 5 dice game, but how would you score a 5-die straight? Or is that even worth anything?

      If you sent me the specific rules of the game, and told me exactly what you’re looking for, maybe I could email you some results, but I’m not sure I’d want to permanently modify my software to handle this rarely played version of the game.

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