Farkle Scoring

Below are the scoring combinations allowed in Farkle. The point values given are typical, but can vary from venue-to-venue. On the settings page you can modify the point values for all of these scorings or disallow certain scorings altogether by setting their value to zero.

die 1 100 points for each rolled one.
die 5 50 points for each rolled five.
die 1 die 1 die 1 1000 points for three-ones.
die 2 die 2 die 2 200 points for three-twos.
die 3 die 3 die 3 300 points for three-threes.
die 4 die 4 die 4 400 points for three-fours.
die 5 die 5 die 5 500 points for three-fives.
die 6 die 6 die 6 600 points for three-sixes.
die 3 die 3 die 3 die 3 die 3 die 3 Each additional die in a set increases the value of the set by a like amount. So while three-threes are worth 300, four-threes are worth 600, five-threes are worth 900, and six-threes are worth 1200.
die 1 die 2 die 3 die 4 die 5 die 6 1500 points for a six die straight.
die 2 die 2 die 4 die 4 die 6 die 6 750 points for three pairs. (Note: some game variants don't allow 4-of-a-kind plus a pair to be counted as three-pair. Picky picky!)
die 3 die 3 die 3 die 6 die 6 die 6 Although two triplets can always be scored separately (for a total of 900 points in this case), some rules variants offer 2500 points for two triplets in a single throw.
die 2 die 2 die 3 die 3 die 4 die 6 This is a despised six-die farkle, but in some circles folks agree that farkling with six dice is just too horrible for a family game and instead award points for this. (Like 500 of them!)