partition  0.1.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NpartitionThe namespace hosting all classes supporting partition functionality
 oCPartitionExceptionExtension of std::runtime_error thrown for all errors detected by software entities defined in the partition namespace
 oCGroupMaintains a doubly linked list of Entry objects from a single associated Domain and may also be assigned a user-defined value of type V
 |oCConstIteratorA bidirectional iterator for traversing the Entry objects of a const Group
 |\CIteratorA bidirectional iterator for traversing the Entry objects of a Group
 \CDomainA resizable array of Entry objects having sequentially numbered IDs which may be partitioned across an arbitrary number of associated Groups
  \CEntryA data pair consisting of an integer ID and a user-provided member of type M