addAfter(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Removes the Entry with the given id from the Group with which it was previously a member (if any), and adds it into this iterator's Group immediately after the position pointed to by this iterator.
addAll() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Adds all Entry objects from this Group's Domain to this Group's list (simultaneously removing them from the Groups with which they were previously a member).
addBack(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Adds the Entry with the given id from the Group's associated Domain to the back of this Group's list.
addBack(Group<M, V>) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Moves all Entry objects from g to the back of this Group's Entry list.
addBefore(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Removes the Entry with the given id from the Group with which it was previously a member (if any), and adds it into this iterator's Group immediately before the position pointed to by this iterator.
addEntry(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Equivalent to addEntry(id, null).
addEntry(int, M) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Similar to setMember(id, member) but will resize this Domain as neccessary to accomodate the given id.
addFront(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Adds the Entry with the given id from the Group's associated Domain to the front of this Group's list.
addFront(Group<M, V>) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Moves all Entry objects from Group g to the front of this Group's list.
afterBack() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns a GroupIterator pointing to the position after the last Entry in this Group's list.


back() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns a GroupIterator pointing to the last Entry of this Group's list.
beforeFront() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns a GroupIterator pointing to the position before the first Entry in this Group's list.


capacity() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns high() - low().
compact() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
If the capacity of the Domain exceeds its Domain.size(), then compact reallocates internal storage reducing capacity to match the current size of the Domain.
contains(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns true if this Group contains the Entry with the given id and false otherwise.


dec() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Decrements the iterator to the previous list position and returns a reference to itself.
Domain<M,V> - Class in org.mattbusche.util.partition
A resizable array of Entry<M> objects having sequentially numbered IDs which may be partitioned across an arbitrary number of associated Groups.
Domain() - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Constructs an empty Domain.
Domain(int) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Constructs a Domain with size Entry objects having IDs ranging from 0 to size-1.
Domain(int, int) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Constructs a Domain with size Entry objects having IDs ranging from min to min+size-1.
Domain(Domain<M, V>) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Constructs a Domain that is a copy of d.


Entry<M> - Class in org.mattbusche.util.partition
An instance of Entry<M> is a simple data pair consisting of an integer ID and a user-provided member object of type M.


find(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns a GroupIterator pointing to the Entry from this list with the given id, or pointing to the Group.afterBack() position if this Group does not contain the Entry with the given id.
front() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns a GroupIterator pointing to the first Entry of this Group's list.


getContainer() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns the Group associated with this iterator.
getDomain() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns the Domain associated with this Group (or null if this Group has no Domain association).
getEntry(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the Entry object with the given id.
getEntry() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns the Entry object pointed to by this iterator.
getGroup(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the Group to which the Entry with given id belongs or null if that member belongs to no Group.
getId() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Entry
Returns the Entry ID.
getMember(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the member object associated with the given id.
getMember() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Entry
Returns the Entry member.
getValue(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the value of the Group to which the Entry with the given id belongs.
getValue() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns the user provided value object associated with this Group.
Group<M,V> - Class in org.mattbusche.util.partition
Maintains a doubly linked list of Entry<M> objects from a single associated Domain and may also be assigned a user-defined value of type V.
Group() - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Constructs an empty Group with no Domain association and a null value.
Group(Domain<M, V>) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Constructs an empty Group associated with Domain d and sets the Group's value to null.
Group(Domain<M, V>, V) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Constructs an empty Group associated with Domain d and sets the Group's value to v.
Group(Domain<M, V>, Group<M, V>) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Constructs a Group that is a copy of g with the exception that its associated with Domain d.
GroupIterator<M,V> - Class in org.mattbusche.util.partition
A bidirectional iterator for traversing the Entry objects of a Group.
GroupIterator(GroupIterator<M, V>) - Constructor for class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Copy constructor.


high() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns one plus the highest numbered ID that can be added to the Domain without memory reallocation.


inc() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Increments the iterator to the next list position and returns a reference to itself.
isAfterBack() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns true if this iterator is pointing one logical position after the last Entry in the list, and false if it is pointing to any list Entry.
isAtBack() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns true if this iterator points to the last Entry of a non-empty list, or to the beforeFront position of an empty list; and false otherwise.
isAtFront() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns true if this iterator points to the first Entry of a non-empty list, or to the afterBack position of an empty list; and false otherwise.
isBeforeFront() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Returns true if this iterator is pointing one logical position before the first Entry in the list, and false if it is pointing to any list Entry.


low() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the lowest numbered ID that can be added to the Domain without memory reallocation.


min() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the lowest numbered ID of this Domain.


org.mattbusche.util.partition - package org.mattbusche.util.partition


PartitionException - Exception in org.mattbusche.util.partition
Simple extension of a RuntimeException for exceptional conditions detected in package org.mattbusche.util.partition.
PartitionException() - Constructor for exception org.mattbusche.util.partition.PartitionException
Constructs a new PartitionException with null as its detail message.
PartitionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.mattbusche.util.partition.PartitionException
Constructs a new PartitionException with the specified detail message.
peekBack() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns the Entry object at the back of the Group list while leaving the list unmodified.
peekFront() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns the Entry object at the front of the Group list while leaving the list unmodified.


remove(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Removes the Entry with the given id from this Group's list and returns it.
removeAll() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Removes all Entry objects from this Group's list.
removeAndDec() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Removes and returns the Entry pointed to by this iterator from its Group's list, and updates this iterator to point to the previous Entry in the list.
removeAndInc() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.GroupIterator
Removes and returns the Entry pointed to by this iterator from its Group's list, and updates this iterator to point to the next Entry in the list.
removeBack() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Removes the Entry at the back of this Group's list and returns it.
removeFront() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Removes the Entry at the front of this Group's list and returns it.
reserve(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Equivalent to reserve(newHigh, low()).
reserve(int, int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
If either Domain.high() < newHigh or Domain.low() > newLow, then the internal array is reallocated so that high is increased to at least newHigh and low is reduced to at most newLow.
resize(int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Equivalent to resize(newSize, min())
resize(int, int) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Resizes this Domain to contain newSize Entry objects with IDs ranging from newMin to newMin+newSize-1.


setDomain(Domain<M, V>) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Associates this Group with d.
setMember(int, M) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Finds the Entry in this Domain with the given ID and sets its member field to m.
setMember(M) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Entry
Sets the Entry member.
setValue(V) - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Sets v as this Group's value.
size() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
Returns the number of Entry objects in this Domain
size() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Returns the number of Entry objects in this Group's list.


toString() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Domain
toString() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Entry
Prints the Entry in the following format:
toString() - Method in class org.mattbusche.util.partition.Group
Prints the Group in the following format: